Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Anora (movie, 2024)


If there was one likeable character in the whole story, this might be rated higher. The acting was superb, but eventually, you just want all those miserable people to go their separate ways and stop bothering the rest of the world, including the people watching the movie, and including Oscar voters who chose this as Best Picture.

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Wicked Part 1 (movie, 2024)


This movie wants to be a grand Hollywood musical in the "golden age" style, but it just doesn't succeed. The dancing is just mediocre even for the main characters. This needed Astaire and Rogers, but it's not remotely close. The songs are nice, but there is nothing for us laypeople to sing in the shower.

The movie should pay homage to the original "Wizard of Oz" constantly, and there are a few notable scenes (like the beauty salon scene and walking the long hallway to the wizard). But mostly I kept getting déjà vu visions of Harry Potter, and that's not a good thing for this movie. Harry Potter stories have their place in the pre-teen world, but that's not what this movie wanted to be. The movie starts off with a married woman cheating on her husband, but afterwards it's the cast of Glee.

No acting performance is strong. All are just "ok". Having said all  that, I liked it overall and hope for more from the next installment.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

The Office (US, TV series, 2005-2013)

The Office US

I watched all 188 episodes, including the superfan episodes when available. The misogyny and racism are too blatant, and the office romances are too cringeworthy for this to be better than a 7. The problem for the formula of this show is that office life isn't very funny, the selling of paper isn't very interesting, so the show spices it up with sexual harassment that can't actually happen in real life.

Some good gags in this US version were improvements on gags in the UK version. The A-lister cameo appearances in the last few seasons were fun. Ultimately, the funny bits were pretty funny and the finale episodes were touching.

The Office (UK, TV series, 2001-2003)

The Office UK

Thankfully there are only 14 episodes of this offensive drivel. Some of the characters' actions are not just example of harassment, but even illegal.

Possibly the worst TV theme music of all time. Ricky Gervais is a wanker (full stop).

Anora (movie, 2024)

Anora If there was one likeable character in the whole story, this might be rated higher. The acting was superb, but eventually, you just wa...